clean slate day 9

Stop staring at the pizza!

I know that old negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease.

You know how when you’re told not to so something and that’s all you can think about?? Don’t press this button- now that’s all you want to do! Don’t eat gluten-now you can smell phantom baguettes cooking in the kitchen. It’s hard not to focus on the things that you can’t eat, but let’s try to switch our focus to the things you CAN eat. There is so much opportunity and creativity with all the fruit, veggies, and grains out there. When I first stopped eating cheese, I would see a cheese plate at a party and that’s all I wanted! Once I tried cheese again I tried to focus on the flavor and texture and if I really enjoyed it or not. The health benefits I felt with my own body were worth more than a taste that I had grown out of. When you change your food lifestyle to include more Whole Foods and plants, it’s inevitable that your palate changes. At the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, they talk about a concept called crowding out. It means that when you invite in fresh, healthy, vibrant food, it crowds out the bad, greasy, processed foods. It’s a natural process that occurs when your palate changes and you feel the amazing benefits of your new habits.


***what do my cravings mean??***

Isn’t it crazy how breathing can totally shift our energy? It’s truly amazing that we can take control of part of our autonomic nervous system and change how we feel. If anyone out there has anxiety, you especially know what I mean. Breath work has been so important for my journey. My mind moves at a million miles an hour and tends to turn any blimp or unplanned event into a catastrophe. Breathing more deeply and consciously is such a powerful tool. I am able to tell both my body and my mind that I am safe. I can move from major anxiety (fight or flight-which can cause SOOO many health issues when in constant stress mode) to cool, calm, and collected (rest and digest). 

Cravings are signals from out bodies, telling us what it needs. So if I’m craving sugar I should eat gummy bears right? Sorry, no. Different cravings can mean different things. Here are a couple key points to de-code your body’s signals:

  1. Emotional eating- Maybe you turn to ice-cream during a breakup or potato chips when you’re stressed or a glass of wine after a hard day at work. Your body remembers the food habits you make in relation to stress or other emotions. It can be a form of relief or escape when going though a hard time. Next time you want to reach for the pint, bag, or bottle consider what the root cause is. Maybe a phone call to a friend would better serve you?

  2. Familiarity and comfort- Some foods we associate with childhood memories or a positive experience. Or even a food we had recently. Like when you smell sugar cookies and think of your grandma who used to make them for you. This can provide a sense of safety and comfort. This is not a bad thing! However, if you want to avoid craving recent foods, for example if you ate pizza last night and crave more in the morning, I suggest using a tongue scraper! This is a great may to clean your mouth and get rid of any food left on there (I know, ewww).

  3. Hormones- Ladies-you know what I’m talking about. Often when our hormones are fluctuating, our body craves different foods. This doesn’t only go for menstruation, but also stress. Stress hormones have also been shown to alter cravings. Flo Loving is a great resource for exploring different foods during different phases of your cycle. It can even help hormonal spikes and reduce symptoms from you period! 

  4. Seasonal- This you’ve probably experiences before! It’s hot in the summer and you crave a fresh, raw salad with bright notes and in the winter you want warming foods, like stew or cooked root vegetables. Eat seasonal and listen to your body! 

  5. Yin/yang- There are yin foods (like a raw diet) and yang foods (more heavily cooked). Sometimes when we have an imbalance our bodies will crave the opposite. For example, if you’ve been eating a ton of sugar, your body may crave something cooked and savory (or just water)! It’s a good rule of thumb to stay mostly neutral with fruits and vegetables and whole grains to avoid extremism on either end. 

  6. Lack of Nutrient- Yup-your body might be craving something you really need! 

***water*** is a great way to curb cravings- staying hydrated will reduce extreme cravings. When you get an urge, have a glass of water and re-access what you need. You may uncover what your body needs and avoid overeating. Make sure when working out to drink water! You lose electrolytes, like sodium and may end up craving a super salty meal. 

***tip for sweet cravings*** instead of reaching for the cake, roast a sweet potato or another sweet veggie. It will satisfy your craving and provide you with nutrition instead of empty calories and a blood sugar spike. 

Don’t be discouraged if you are craving foods you can’t have on a detox. Your body will always want to revert to familiar habits. If you slip-not all is lost! Be kind to yourself and re-commit! It’s all part of the process of creating new habits and transforming your  lifestyle. 

Happy cleansing,


Beau CampbellComment