Clean Slate Day 4
“I am in the process of making positive changes in all areas of my life.”
What area in your life needs more attention?
Life is all about balance right? We talk about balance as though it’s a goal or destination when in reality it’s a constant swing of the pendulum right and left. We will never really reach this mythical place of balance- but we will constantly check in to see where we need to put more energy. How we nourish ourselves isn’t only about food-there are many other areas that affect our overall health. This is why we try to find a holistic approach to our well-being. Look at our bodies as part of a whole system-one part affecting the others. So let’s talk about other forms of nourishment besides nutrition. There’s relationships, career, finances, home environment, social life, spirituality, creativity, education, joy & physical activity.
Check out the balanced life chart in your workbook. Follow the instructions and see where you may be lacking in your life. Choose one slice of the circle to focus on for the rest of the week.
***food focus*** Smoothies!
Smoothies are an amazing way to pack in nutrients! Not to mention how tasty they are. And I’m talking real smoothies! In your workbook, check out the build your own smoothie page to design amazing smoothies on your own. But what Superfoods or boosters should you choose? Maybe you need a burst of energy or want to get some extra protein in after a gym sess. Download this guide to help you choose!
Why else are smoothies so great?! They are awesome for aiding the kidneys in detoxing! Fruits and veggies help the kidneys flush toxins. So does water! So drinking a liquid smoothie is double duty in helping the kidneys flush toxins.
***health hacks*** Speaking of smoothies
How is your supermarket hull doing? Did you overdo it on the fresh fruits and veggies? If your produce is starting to look sad go ahead and throw it in the freezer rather than the trash! TIP for freezing bananas: (if you have ever put a banana in the freezer with its peel on you will understand me on this):
Peel and chop banana, put in on a plate in the freezer first. After its frozen out them together in a container or bag in the freezer. You’re welcome.
Happy blending! If you create a bomb smoothie share it in the FB group!