Clean Slate Day 3

I am grateful for my healthy body.

Let's get moving and stay motivated!

It’s hump day. The last two days have felt like forever yet the weekend feels so far away. Things may feel laborious and stagnant—so lets move! Here is a 45 minute gentle detox flow to get over the hump.

And where there’s detox- there’s retox—or at least the urge to. So even though alcohol is not our friend during the detox we can still enjoy a hump day happy hour. Here is a fun mocktail recipe so there’s no FOMO. Plus a delicious appetizer to go with! This is great vegan ceviche dish that is perfect for hosting or brining to a dinner party 🎉 

***The deal with alcohol***

Let’s chat about why we eliminate alcohol.

Maybe you only have a glass a night, but that still can really add up as the week goes on. It’s important to give your body a break from alcohol. Here are a couple reasons we stick to this guideline during the cleanse:

  1. Hydration and clear skin- ever wake up after a night of drinking and feel like all the water has been sucked out of your body? Like you slept in the desert? Alcohol, like coffee is a dietetic and causes you to urinate more. Your body doesn’t properly absorb water leading to dehydration. Water that it properly absorbed can help flush the body of toxins. You may notice a wonderful effect on your skin, especially if you tend towards dry skin like me.

  2. Give your liver a break- Yup-alcohol is excess can keep your liver working hard. Your liver is your main filtration system and coverts 90 percent of toxins in your body into waste. It’s also responsible for metabolizing nutrients that give us proteins we need. Too many drinks can keep the liver from performing these functions, because it’s too busy processing the alcohol. This can mess up how our bodies store energy…which can lead to weight gain.

  3. Weight loss- Alcoholic drinks are full of calories. Not that we are counting, but a few drinks can add 500-1000 calories into your day. Plus they are all calories from sugar! When we process alcohol our bodies are basically processing simple sugars that run right into fat. For me its right on my little belly and I can tell the difference.

  4. Sleep- I always thought that a glass of wine was great for sleep but the truth is that while it might aid in falling asleep, it is often the quality of the sleep that suffers. I often wake up or never fully get Ito that REM state that you want. Sleep is very important when it comes to health, especially if you want to give your body the best chance to detox and possibly lose weight. 

  5. Munchies- All I have to say is “drunk munchies”. ’nuff said!

So during this cleanse, kick the cocktails 🍸 but maybe enjoy a mocktail! Kombucha is a nice alternative to drinking as well. I even like to sip it out of a wine glass if I’m having people over or at a friends house. 

Happy cleansing!


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