Clean Slate Day 10
Finding the middle ground
“I honor both the light and darkness. I have the tools to find balance in all area of my life.”
So we touched on balance before, but let’s come back to it again. There are two sides to everything right? Light vs dark, introvert vs extrovert, wild vs tame and so on and so forth. There are opposite ends of spectrum and everything in between. All the shades of grey. So balance would be right in the middle no? Like that pendulum I mentioned earlier. Let’s focus on masculine vs feminine energies. This is a good subject to check in with and attempt to find balance. We all have both energies within us and call upon both when in certain situations. It’s great to be able to take action (masc) but also be able to connect your actions with a feeling or intention (fem). Here are some traits of each side. Make a check mark next to the word you resonate most with in each row (one per column). You should check the trait that is your natural tendency. Tally up your score right vs left and see if you tend towards masc or fem.
These can all be positive traits when in balance!
***yin/yang foods***
This same concept can be applied to foods. Yin/yang is a Chinese concept demonstrating similar traits. Yin at its extreme is the divine feminine and yang at its extreme is as masculine as you can get! So how does this correlate with foods. Yang extreme foods would be deep fried and spicy while extreme yin foods would be sugar or alcohol. Think Yang/Heating and Yin/Cooling. Cooked foods versus raw foods. If you found that you tended strongly towards masculine in the chart, you may want to balance that out with cold salad or tropical fruits. If you leaned on the feminine side roasted root veggies with whole grains might help you feel more centered. Check out the chart below for some yin/yang food suggestions!
***balanced life exercise***
Remember the balanced life tool? Let’t go back to that! Download and print a copy here and create a vision board for your balanced life. You can paste words or pictures that relate to what you want to manifest in each area of your life. Here is an example of one I did last year!
Happy Cleansing,