Clean Slate Day 1

I am strong and ready for action.

Let's get grounded, seal in our intentions and start strong! 

It’s DAY 1! Are you excited? I am! Let’s start this program right and let go of any unrealistic expectations we have of ourselves. Remember, you are beautiful, amazing, and brave for taking these steps towards transformation. Watch the video, get relaxed and seal in your intention. The intention should be your “WHY”. It will act as your motivator. Journal and get clear on your intentions. There is a guided intentions page in your workbook. Be kind to yourself and proceed with passion but not attachment. If you put in the work, the right outcome will surface!

track your food and mood

Get familiar with the food and mood journal section of your workbook. Keep track of the times you eat and which recipes you choose. Write down how your felt in your body and any mood notes that strike you. We are not counting calories here, but trying to identify which foods make us feel the BEST. By writing this info down you may start to notice patterns that are either working for you or not. Some of your habits may be linked to other circumstances in  your life or your environment. So. let’s dig and uncover whats going on. Self-inquiry is the first step towards awareness and positive change!

*** health hack *** HYDRATION

I know,  I know— drink more water—DUH! 

But really this is crazy important. And I have some tips to help you do it. Let’s quickly talk about when NOT to drink water. I’m sure you’ve heard to drink water with your meals to help “wash it down” but I’m here to say nawwww. Check the Magic Morning Routine. 

BUT here’s when to chill on the H2O. 

  1. Drink most of your water in between meals but NOT during. Water has a pH balance of 0 while your stomach acid is all the way up at 9! Water dilutes this acid and therefore slows down your stomachs ability to digest food. If you are super parched during a meal, some ACV added to the water or lemon will help—but these only have a pH between 21 and 3— get the picture?

  2. Limit your water consumption after the sun goes down. Why? Sleep is the best time for your body to repair and reset. If you are like me and have a bladder the size of a lentil, too much water at night will interrupt your sleep and force you to get to a toilet. SLEEP IS SO IMPORTANT. When I sleep more, I get more done in my waking hours…and I’m not as cranky obvi. 

So how much water should you drink? And how can you make this realistic? 2 liters a day would be great right?! Get yourself a liter or help liter bottle so it’s easy to measure. Here’s how I upped my water consumption:

  1. Get a reusable bottle with a straw. When I got a straw involved I sucked down double the amount. Holler to all my fellow yogi and teachers out there. Grabbing a cup with a straw during practice or while you are teaching (aka talking constantly for over an hour) or even when you are powering through computer work is a game changer.

  2. PIMP your water. YUP- make it fancy. Even a squeeze of lemon will light up your mouth and encourage you to drink more. And if you are SUPA fancy, fizz it with a soda stream.

So, in a nutshell— find your why, track your progress and hydrate!


Beau CampbellComment