Welcome to Clean Slate
A 14 day mindful detox of movement, mantras & meals
“ I have the power to create the changes I want in my body and mind.”
Click the video and let’s get to know each other!
Let's get prepped!
Download your workbook here, browse through it and don’t be overwhelmed! We will work together to cater the program to your needs. Read the prep pages and look through the recipes to see what sound good for your first three days. Make a list and hit the store. Don’t worry about making fancy recipes every night…there are options for leftover and guidelines if you need to order a meal. The most important thing is your mindset and your commitment to the detox.
Here’s what do to:
Choose your start date (I like to start on a Monday). The group cleanses will all start Mondays morn and prepare on Sunday.
Prep as much as possible. Make your breakfasts and lunches if you are a busy bee during the week. Wash and cut fruit and veggies and set your alarm a little earlier to carve out time for mindful practices.
Fill out your health history form, send it to me and book your sessions below- remember I am your accountability buddy as well as your guide to help with any and all questions.
Take time to journal in the workbook and set your intention. We will be sealing this in on DAY 1.
Kiss the coffee goodbye! If you have a couple days before your detox starts, and you know this is going to be a hard one I suggest buying or ordering Teccino Chicory coffee or Dandy coffee alternative. This is a great option if you want coffee experience without the caffeine. Don’t cheat on this one because it is important to give your body the best chance to eliminate toxins! Reference the caffeine detox page in your workbook for more info and a yummy faux frap recipe.
I cannot wait to connect with you! I am here for any and all questions :)
Don’t forget to join the Facebook group for added support and to meet a community of wellness seekers!
So let’s give ourselves a clean slate!
Happy cleansing !