Can creativity enhance your health ??
When I first began teaching Yogarina Flow at Festivals I would begin the workshop by asking who was an artist in the room. There were typically a handful people that would put their hands in the air. I would then ask everyone to raise their hands and acknowledge that each and every person was an artist in some way shape or form. We are all creative beings at our core even if we don’t identify with the label “artist”. This label often has a connotation that you have to be considered at a certain caliber or that you need to make money from your art form. And although I had a career in performing arts, I didn’t always feel that my creative needs were met. And this is when I realized that artistry & creativity are not just for certain talented individuals who have pursued art as a career. It is a right and I believe an essential part of life for everyone. In her book on creative living Big Magic, Liz Guilert says “If you’re alive, you’re a creative person.”
I consider creativity to be one of the values of my business but it is not just a value, it is an energy that lives in all of us. Finding inspiration and an outlet can be the difficult part. Expectations and fear can also hold us back from creating. My thoughts often chime in when I am about to create something and the voice in my head completely crushes my confidence. The ego comes up with so many excuses that basically boil down to the fear of being rejected or the fear of failure. But innately humans want to live creatively whether it be to make a living or as a hobby. Creativity can often flow more freely when your income does not depend on it- but either way, everyone craves some type of outlet for their emotions & ideas. “Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.” (Liz Gilbert) When we create for the sake of creating, we step into the FLOW of the universe and are a part of the beauty and inspiration of all things.
Photo by Eric Ward @a4gpa
Ok, so is there any science behind this? And, what is FLOW?? I’m sure you’ve felt it- that state when you are IN IT as though time flies by and you are emerged completely in what you are doing. Being creative actives this flow state and when we create something- our brain sees this as a “result” and we are flooded with dopamine. We want more of this feel good hormone, so we become inspired to keep creating and keep moving in this state of harmony and expressiveness. Dopamine is also a natural anti-depressant so it helps reduce stress, anxiety and helps overall mental health. A compressive study by Heather L. Stuckey, DEd and Jeremy Nobel, MD, MPH called The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health, found “clear indications that artistic engagement has significantly positive effects on health.” I was most intrigued by the studies using creative movement (which is at the root of Yogarina Flow and my personal artistic calling). It showed that “through the movement of mind and body in a creative way, stress and anxiety can be relieved, and other health benefits can be achieved as well. The results demonstrated expanding consciousness at midlife, with patterns of meaning identified in relationships with others, the self, and spirit as well as challenges associated with loss, illness, and threats to relationships. The consciousness activities identified were choosing, balancing, accepting, and letting go, and creative movement was shown to support self-awareness.”
I was not surprised by these findings as my own experiences support movement as medicine. Yogarina Flow was my form of creative healing after feeling very rejected in my art form and stuck in my life. Bringing dance technique and free movement on to the safe space of my yoga mat allowed me to be creative while honoring my body and connecting to truest myself. When I began to practice and teach Yogarina Flow I felt a shift in my own energy as well as students. It was so beautiful to see others transform on their mat and walk out of class with poise and confidence. I realized that providing guidance and space for others to be creative was healing for them as well. I knew this was the practice I had to share.
YogarinaFLOW® is a dance infused yoga practice that emphasizes fluidity in transitions and personal expression. The class includes a dynamic vinyasa flow focused on finding new pathways from one pose to the next. We explore the connection between dance and yoga, blending classical elements with free movement and personal expression. With yoga as the framework, students are invited to explore creative movement in order to tap into their unique style. We all embody our experiences and need a way to work through them. When you have body knowledge and awareness you can then surrender to the expression of your subtle body. With guidance students can move through fear and insecurities to build confidence in their bodies and in their movement. Creative movement is how I heal, express joy and celebrate simply celebrate being alive.
Photo by Eric Ward @a4gpa
Art is subjective and who really cares what anyone thinks of what you create. Fueling your inner artist with whatever activity lights you up can heal, spark inspiration and build momentum towards a FULL life. My husband pokes fun of the photos I take of all my food creations (with full out set design), but I will continue to document every beautiful avocado toast and every vibrant smoothie bowl I make—because it feeds my soul (literally and figuratively). Liz writes…“A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life. Living in this manner—continually and stubbornly bringing forth the jewels that are hidden within you—is a fine art, in and of itself.”- Liz Gilbert
Happy creating!