breakfast is my life
A very good day, after a hectic couple of days with a broken AC (very uncomfortable in Arizona in August), today was very typical and very pleasant. Lots of food, dancing, socializing, and finally quiet. Glad to be home having a night cap with the roomie. This beautiful baby pictured to the left is Aria. A gorgeous gem that that I visited this evening. It made me miss my little niece Aven back home!
Today was definitely highly revolved around food. The first week back at Ballet Arizona has made me very hungry and I find myself eating a lot...and very often. I guess if my body is telling me to eat I should listen. Last night I whipped up some Banana-Date-Walnut muffins to bring to one of the girls for her birthday. Happy Birthday Ginger :) The recipe is from Fat Free Vegan Kitchen ( one of my favorite blogs. It never fails me, especially with the desserts. This is dancer-friendly, healthy treat! I left out the walnuts, mainly because they are not my favorite, but also to lower the fat. Halfway through the baking I also added some organic brown sugar and a quarter of a honey date to the top of each muffin. A cute touch to make them even more alluring. I refrained from eating an excessive amount of batter, as I have been known to do, and constantly chastised for by my sister. Smyth-you would have been proud. But, I had to taste the muffins of course. I couldn't give them away without making sure they were delicious! A perfect breakfast accompanied by fruit and coffee.
Dance, dance, dance, until dinner time. Hungry! Had another muffin (yes I saved a few for myself) and started making some grub. I'm not a huge tofu lover, but one way I like cooking it is in a veggie scramble. It already has an eggy texture so it seems perfect in egg dishes. So for my second breakfast of the day I made a tofu-veggie scramble with a side of tempeh bacon strips. I sauteed green onions, kale, carrots, and broccoli in a bit of olive oil and liquid aminos. I then added organic silken tofu (firm) and cooked it with the vegetables and sprinkled Spike on top. Spike is good on anything-best seasoning ever. I pan fried the tempeh, also known as "fakin' bacon" until it was brown and crispy. I bought the brand Lightlife Organic Smoky Tempeh Strips.
A dinner for champions. A great day of breakfasts, ballet, and babies.