Welcome to Part 2 of Yogarina Flow- move like a dancer, feel like a yogi! This is Module 3!
Here is your course calendar again! Scroll to get started!
Module 3 Checklist (If checking off lists is as satisfying to you as it is to me!)
day 1 - Click to Begin
Welcome again!
Movement Method # 5 (20 min)
BONUS: Recording from Yogarina Beats with DJ Taz (1 hr from 4/29)
day 2- Click to begin
4th Chakra Breath work and meditation (13 min)
Heart Opening Practice (1 hr)
day 3
Yogarina Fit- (55 min) Arms & Chest
day 4 - Click to Begin
5th Chakra Meditation (12 min)
Neck/ Shoulder Practice (55 min)
day 5 - click to begin
Movement Method # 6 (7 min)
Yogarina Flow (45 min)
day 6
Shake Your Chakras! (1 hr)
day 7
REST DAY or catch up
Share your experience with Module 3 in the FB group!